Episode 63 – A New Blender

We find ourselves heading into a whole new blender and discuss it a bit.


Main Topic

  • Our future plans – Another blend?!? Shut the front door!
    • Because of the economy and recent events, we are going to be moving in with the Rossi family after our house sells. It benefits both our families tremendously, beyond the financial aspect. We also have another roomie moving in, and with the full count at 6 adults, 2 small children, 3 dogs, 3 cats and one fish, we are finding ourselves in another new realm to adjust to. Far improved from the empty nest, and with ample room for our sons to visit whenever they like.
    • Phil Rossi

Solid Nuggets

  • Viv teases, but does not really discuss.ย  More on the next episode, but in case you find it useful now…
  • Chooch
    • Google Music
    • Tell Viv why she should ditch Android for an iPhone

Episode 45 – Live at Balticon

We were happy to have another opportunity to do a live show at Balticon. This year we are joined by three luminaries of podcasting who came together to discuss 3D usage in movies, upcoming reboots, and their favorite films of all time.

Our guest are: