Don't Mind Our Dust

It seems that our web host updated something which broke the podcast feed. Since there were a whole bunch of things that I’ve been meaning to update/fix that would have disrupted the feed as well, I’m taking the opportunity to address them all now.

One nasty side effect (which I absolutely hate as a listener) is that it may have caused the feed to puke up every episode as if they were new. I’m really, really sorry if it hits you. It’s something that happens now and then with podcast feeds 🙁

At this point, I think that I have the feed updated and working correctly. That was priority 1, so now I can start working on the other stuff. None of this other stuff should effect the feed, but it means that the site will be plain vanilla for awhile, and you might have some login errors until it stabalizes.

Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.
