Special Ep3 – Harry Potter 7 Pt1

Viv, Chooch, and Mistress Jett bring you our SPOILER FILLED thoughts on seeing the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1.

This episode is a little different from most others — no editing! Yep, “live to tape” to get our thoughts down and out as quickly as we can. Well, I suppose our live shows are that way.. Only this time there wasn’t a Con ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s almost 5:00 in the morning and I have to work tomorrow, so linkey links for show notes. But, we’ll get them up as soon as we can.

Episode 33 – Live from Balticon

We are proud to bring you our first live show! This was recorded over Memorial day weekend at Balticon 43.

A special thanks to everybody who came out and participated. You truly made this a special event for us!

Special Episode 1 – Mur Lafferty Interview

This interview was posted on our other show – The City of Heroes Podcast, but we wanted to share it with listeners here that aren’t CoH Players. Sorry if you listen to both and this is a duplicate!

In this special episode we interview Mur Lafferty – author of the new novel from Swarm PressPlaying for Keeps

We discuss:


After the DFH meet-up last weekend, many of us wandered over the Paul and Martha’s place to visit and record episodes of the A.D.D. Cast. Good conversations, good beer, and great fun was had by all! The studio was only able to accommodate 5 people at a time, so we broke into shifts with those new to ADDCast (or new to podcast recording completely) in the first session. We discussed Con season and how we were all eagerly anticipating RavenCon and Balticon.

The second group were past guests of ADDCast including Tee Morris, Marc Bailey, Heather Welliver, Brand Gamblin and Allison. I’m not quite sure what they discussed, but there was a lot of laughter and Tee’s daughter, Sonic Boom, was bouncing between us in the living room and crashing the recording session.
