Episode 1 – Adventures in Homecoming

I think we’re technically early this week. Makes up for being late last week :o)

Topics this episode include:


Episode 0 – Quantum I Tell Ya!

I am proud to bring you the debut episode of Into The Blender!

As a true tribute to the rigors and time constraints of a blended family (well ok, any family) this release is later than we wanted, but now we are on the map and ready to roll!

This episode is a quick introduction of ourselves, and some of the things we hope to explore with this podcast as a whole.

As stated in the episode, you can comment on each episode right here and send feedback, topic ideas, or comments to feedback@intotheblender.com

Almost there

The site has come together. The feed is active. The pre-production is mostly complete. Now we just need to get the time to actually record and we’ll be all set!

This was a rough weekend with lots to do. Perhaps we can squeeze in some time one night this week to record. In my head I figured we would release new episodes Wednesday or Thursday so Ep 0 still has a chance to live this week ๐Ÿ™‚