Special Ep3 – Harry Potter 7 Pt1

Viv, Chooch, and Mistress Jett bring you our SPOILER FILLED thoughts on seeing the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1.

This episode is a little different from most others — no editing! Yep, “live to tape” to get our thoughts down and out as quickly as we can. Well, I suppose our live shows are that way.. Only this time there wasn’t a Con ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s almost 5:00 in the morning and I have to work tomorrow, so linkey links for show notes. But, we’ll get them up as soon as we can.

Special Episode 2 – NaNo for Noobs

Simulcast in Podereo on the Balticon Podcast feed, we are proud to bring you the recording of the “NaNoWriMo for Noobs” panel recording. Now is the perfect time to get your outlines down and prepare to write that novel you’ve always wanted to in November!

From the Balticon program guide:

How it was won or lost
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a motivational novel-writing program for anyone who has wanted to write a novel but doesnโ€™t know how to get started. The program provides guidelines, structure and countless tools for success yet many still do not complete the 50,000 words required to be a winner. This panel of NaNoWriMo participants and winners will discuss their strategies for success, and if finishing even matters.

Panelists include:

Episode 45 – Live at Balticon

We were happy to have another opportunity to do a live show at Balticon. This year we are joined by three luminaries of podcasting who came together to discuss 3D usage in movies, upcoming reboots, and their favorite films of all time.

Our guest are:

Episode 33 – Live from Balticon

We are proud to bring you our first live show! This was recorded over Memorial day weekend at Balticon 43.

A special thanks to everybody who came out and participated. You truly made this a special event for us!