Episode 29 – Feedbacks

We decided to make this one a feedback episode since we haven’t addressed any in… um… well, I’d rather not say how long ๐Ÿ™‚ As a special bonus, our son LT pipes in here and there!

This episode we mention:

Episode 2

It sounds like we have the audio evened out now. There are still some weird digital glitches that pop here and there which I’m hunting down. It’s either something funny going on with my Macbook USB audio, or the PodXT. Next week we’ll record to a different machine running Linux and see if it goes away. Perhaps this can be my excuse to buy Leopard ๐Ÿ™‚

This week we discuss:

  • How Halloween went
  • T’s Gir costume
  • City of Heroes
  • Chooch’s cross country trip to visit his son for his birthday
  • and mixing into the blender with their extended family

Promo this week is for the Crescent Station finale event on in Second Life.


Halloween 2007

We built this Gir costume (a character from the Invader Zim cartoon) over the past few days for our tween to wear on Halloween. We found some plans to make it by KRYPTONIGHTENGALE on the GhostDroppings.com forums.

It was a big hit in the neighborhood and T was very proud to wear it. Unfortunately its hard to see the ears in these pictures, and I forgot to get one of the tail.

Gir Complete 1

Gir Complete 2

Friend to the squirrels

Gir Trick or Treating