Ep. 31 has been corrected

Thanks to Paulette Jaxton (Form Letter Rejection Theater) and Doug Rapson (Geek Acres) for quickly pointing out that there was a problem with episode 31. I’ve corrected and uploaded the file, but I’m not sure how long that will take to purculate through the Internets.

You can download the corrected version directly with this link. Sorry about that!

And now.. to the airport!! <huff huff>

UnEpisode 1 – A 'no show'

Just wanted to post a quickie note to let everybody know that we’re still here… but sadly there is no episode yet. We hope to get crackin this weekend and get the next ep out, so keep those feeds hummin!

We cn haz promo!

We now have our very own Podcast Promo. Feel free to share this with anybody and everybody!

If you play it in a podcast of your own, please let us know and we’ll return the favor with some linkage and promo love.

Special thanks to Biscuit of Kulture Kast for sharing his sitcom announcer voice ๐Ÿ™‚

Holiday Delay

Well, the Holiday wasn’t delayed – as it has already past – but it sure put a cramp in our scheduling and delayed podcast production. So, we missed putting out an episode last week. We are working on the next ep, and will have it out just as soon as we can.

For the Americans out there, we hope you and your family had a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving. For everybody else, we hope that you and your family had a warm and wonderful almost-the-last-week of November!

Almost there

The site has come together. The feed is active. The pre-production is mostly complete. Now we just need to get the time to actually record and we’ll be all set!

This was a rough weekend with lots to do. Perhaps we can squeeze in some time one night this week to record. In my head I figured we would release new episodes Wednesday or Thursday so Ep 0 still has a chance to live this week ๐Ÿ™‚