Episode 41 – Snowpocalypse One

This episode is a continuation of Episode 40. We had gone on for well over an hour and had decided to split it up.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Christmas and LT’s visit update
  • Crusty gamer time with cousins
  • Christmas Day with family
  • J’s excitement over Wii
  • M’s tricky prezzie wrapping
  • M and his girlfriend break up (again)
  • Chooch’s brick & mortar shopping ethos
  • Viv’s health update
  • Promo: The Command Line

Episode 40 – Resolved

Catching up as we always seem to be.. We bring you our New Years resolutions and talk about other stuff going on with us.

In this episode we discuss:

Episode 39 – Holiday Greetings from the Burrow

Checking in for the Holidays from our Burrow (or, bunker??) and discuss our upcoming (now past) Christmas plans plus looking forward to the New Year. We give a brief update on Viv’s health issues, and talk about the coming Zombie apocalypse.

Promo: P.C. Haring’s Cybrosis

Episode 38 – Cons Report

Here is our long overdue recaps of Dragon*Con and BlenderCon.

Rather than do a blow-by-blow account of the cons, we describe our favorite parts of the experiences, and our biggest regrets.

Some things we mention:

Zombie Connection

As an early Halloween treat, we’re pleased to bring you The Zombie Connection.

Lyrics: Kim Fortuner and Patrick E. McLean
Vocals: Kim Fortuner
Guitar: Tim Dodge
Orchestra and production: Chooch Schubert

The song was originally written and recorded at Dragon*Con 2009 in about 30 minutes. Tim and Kim agreed to record clean versions of their parts and let me wrap other instruments and sound effects around them.


Episode 37 – Feedbacks and Boobies

In this episode we play some voicemails and read some e-mails which are mostly long overdue.

We also discuss:

  • Chooch’s dad’s 80th birthday
  • Checkup on his brother’s family
  • Breast cancer awareness month
  • Charities research
  • New stuff we’ve started listening to
  • Promo: Purgatory, by Tim Dodge

Episode 36 – Podiobooks and Empty Nests

This is a belated pre-DragonCon cast. Unfortunately we weren’t able to get it edited before returning from D*C, but thought that the anticipation would make for a fun contrast to an upcoming D*C review show 🙂

In this episode we discuss:

Episode 35 – Social Butterflies

We’ve been little social butterflies over the last few weeks. We’ve driven through many states to eat many forms of cake (birthday, cheese, and cup) and had a generally wonderful time catching up with friends and family!

In this episode we discuss:

Episode 34 – Jamie Schubert

This episode is a little bit of a departure. It  is dedicated to Chooch’s brother, and our sudden visit to California.

The Tyler Schubert Fund

Quick Note

I wanted to make everyone aware of additional recordings of Balticon panels that Viv and I participated on.

I didn’t feel right about dropping these directly into either of our podcast feeds since they contain no gaming, parenting, or blending content 🙂 They are focused on podcasting/recording/audio techie stuff.

You can check them out over at my new site Random Acts of Chooch. The three panels contain different combinations of me, Viv, Scott Sigler, PG Holyfield, MAinPA, Thomas “Command Line” Gideon, Dan the Fan, Nobilis Reed, Marc “Grailwolf” Bailey, Heather Welliver, and Tyler Waldeman.

New ITB specific content is Coming Soon™